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Introduction: Our Marketing Perspective
A new product has to go through several important stages to develop successfully.

When you produce a new product, you have various reasons. Sometimes you may want to complete a line of products so as not to give other companies any opportunity to enter your own market. Or, when a new market is being completed to some extent by other companies, you may try to new target areas looking for the same good luck. Or you may hope to find an entirely new way to sell your newly-developed technology. No matter what your reason is, you seem to produce new products without enough consideration. As a consequence, you might be overstocked and be overwhelmed with returned merchandise. This is an age of uncertainty. When the products you are sure would sell, they remain on the shelves. Look before you leap. We are here to help you. Our SOGO KIKAKU will help you when you want to know the limits of your strategy, or when you want to find a salable product, suitable market, or when you want to reconsider your method in developing a product, merchandising, entering the market and finding an appropriate sales strategy in order to activate declined sales. We will help you to understand the real situation and to know what kind of action is needed. SOGO KIKAKU can help you with any kind of research. SOGO KIKAKU will make use of a total marketing system we can keep the information completely secret because we supervise the entire process on our own.

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